Asset Revaluation and its Benefits for the Company

Fixed assets have a dynamic value or change over time. Some assets have a value that tends to decrease from their value when they were first acquired. But, some others have values ​​that tend to rise. It is even very suitable for use as a long-term investment. The dynamics of changes in asset prices can make a company's financial statements inaccurate. As a result, the data in the report does not truly reflect the true capabilities of the company. This

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What is meant by Economic Recovery?

Economic recovery is the process of recovering or improving a country's economic condition after experiencing a crisis or downturn triggered

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The 5 Worst Crisis That Ever Happened to the World Economy

2023 is predicted to be a dark year for the global economy. Many parties predict that the world economy will experience a recession and even be at risk of experiencing an economic crisis. An economic crisis is a worse situation than a recession. If a recession is technically described as

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What are the benefits received by fan token owners?

Fan tokens are products derived from cryptocurrencies launched by a sports club in collaboration with crypto companies to provide space for collectors to vote on a number of decisions. Imagine

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6 Things That Make Trading Different from Investing

If you see advertisements for forex brokers, whether it's on YouTube or

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Green Accounting: Preserving the Environment to Maintain Business Continuity

The term green accounting may not be widely heard and not quite

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OPEC: The Organization That Regulates Oil Production and Prices in Global Markets

In the 1960s, oil producing countries formed an organization called OPEC. They

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5 Countries with the Highest Debt to GDP Ratio

The debt to GDP ratio or Debt to GDP Ratio is the

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